
Need instructions on activating your eBooks? Click HERE

E-Book Order Notice

If you ordered an E-Book using your credit card, you will be charged immediately for the cost of the E-Book. You will receive an email confirming your E-Book purchase. Follow the instructions on the email to access the E-Book. Once you activate an E-Book, there are no refunds.

For codes that appear on your receipt, go to

  1. If you haven’t visited the site before, you may need to Log in or create an account.
  2. After logging in, key in the code on your cash register receipt.
  3. Your E-book will appear on your virtual bookshelf and will remain available until it expires.
  4. If your code is to be used on blackboard, you may copy the code and paste it to the link provided by your instructor.

What are Digital Textbooks? 

Digital textbooks give you the same content as the physical printed edition, but the cost is less and there's no heavy book to carry around.

Benefits of digital textbooks:

  • Less expensive than the print version
  • No waiting, accessible immediately
  • Uses free reader software
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Travels with your laptop

Features and capabilities of digital textbooks:

  • Printing (limited in some cases)
  • Highlighting
  • Page marking
  • Note taking
  • Keyword Search
  • Read-out-loud audio

*Product cannot be returned after activation code has been activated.